速報APP / 圖書與參考資源 / Wow Facts about The Dinosaurs

Wow Facts about The Dinosaurs





版本需求:Android 2.3.3 以上版本


Wow Facts about The Dinosaurs(圖1)-速報App

Wow Facts about Dinosaurs is a complete encyclopedia about dinosaurs. It summarizes all Facts of the dinosaurs’ details into a fun to read app. The Facts are maybe suprising you because you'll never knew it before. You get a better understanding about dinosaurs facts regarding their names meaning, period age their live, what kind of family group they are, what are their diet and size and you even get to know the original place and date the dinosaur fossil were found. With that kind of information you can be a paleontologist in a short time. You can learn Dinosaurs name, how Dinosaurs eat, how Dinos lived, and how Dino extinct.

Wow Facts about The Dinosaurs(圖2)-速報App

Wow Facts about Dinosaurs provide a picture to make reader easier to understanding the content. Many facts of Jurassic Park series are never be come true, so you must download this apps to get the true facts about dinosaurs.

Wow Facts about The Dinosaurs(圖3)-速報App

It is free for you to download and you can use this app online or offline. All you want to know about dinosaur and other prehistoric creatures are ready for your to explore in this apps. Maybe its not a Dino Games or Dinosaurs game, but still you can get enough information from this apps.

Hope you will enjoy it, and keep explore Facts about Dinosaurs!!